Some Interesting Quotes
About Our KJV Bible

Sources, Known and Unknown
[Gospel Web Globe]
The following quotations from various sources are of interest to me and I believe will be of interest to many others. I do not claim to be qualified to "translate"
the Bible from the "original" languages -- I know about the same amount of Greek and Hebrew that many of our modern "Bible correctors" do -- That is I can
look up words and passages in Strongs, Thayers, Liddell and Scott, and many others which I have in my own library. -- JHD, Webmaster, Gospel Web.

Collection of Interesting Quotes About Our Bible

Charles Spurgeon -- "I would recommend you either believe God up to the hilt, or else not to believe at all. Believe this book of God, every letter of it, or else reject it. There is no logical standing place between the two. Be satisfied with nothing less than a faith that swims in the deeps of divine revelation; a faith that paddles about the edge of the water is poor faith at best. It is little better than a dry-land faith, and is not good for much."


"Divine inspiration demands Divine preservation."


"The older I become the more I'm interested in what this Book says; not what some religious person says about this Book."


"I'm glad I have a Bible that tells me how I can know where I'm going when I die. The most important theme of the Bible is that a man may know where he is going when he dies."


"If it does not agree with the Word of God, it is wrong, and God does not lead anyone contrary to His Holy Word."


"God promised there would be two things on the earth when He returned — the Word of God and the Church that He started."


"To paraphrase Mark Twain, it is not what man doesn't understand about the Bible that bothers him; it's what he does understand that bothers him."


"God will preserve His Word. The King James Version is the preserved Word of God in English."


"We see the Lord now not through visible eyes, but with eyes of faith, in His Word."


"The Bible is it's own greatest commentary."


"The trouble men have is not with the Bible, but with man."


"A true scholar is one who believes the Bible whether he understands it or not."


"The Spirit of God never acts in any manner or matter which is not in harmony with the Word of God."


"When a man faces a truth in the Bible he should just believe it, even if he dislikes it or does not understand it!"


"The only Bible some people read is our lives."


"The Bible is 'unabrideged'; there is no higher authority to which man can appeal!"


"The greatest thing a man can do is to believe the Word of God."


"Pride will often lead a person to put his own reasoning above the Word of God."


"What we think, no matter how "reasonable" it may be, does not change the truth of the Word of God."


"The devil wouldn't be the devil if he didn't muddy the water at the source."


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